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Does Medicare Cover Braces? Your Top Questions Answered

Custom fitted braces

Does Medicare cover braces? Yes. Medicare Part B covers braces for the back, arm, and leg that are prescribed “necessary” by your healthcare provider and acquired through a Medicare-approved supplier.  If you’re a Medicare beneficiary, you may qualify for a brace that provides support & comfort for all-day wear and aids in quick recovery.

In this article, we’ll look at Medicare coverage plans for braces as well as where & how to get the right brace for you.

What Are Braces Used For?

Braces are the supports to be worn when you feel pain in your back, knee, shoulder, or any other joint. The human body is prone to injuries and the pain in the joints can affect a range of motion and daily comfort. Moreover, as we grow older, the joints start losing flexibility and durability making it difficult to walk, run or perform daily activities. No matter what contributed to the pain in your body, a brace can help you reduce your pain and recover faster.

Braces are designed to give support, stabilize and rehabilitate the affected area. These are used to limit the motion, provide nice targeted compression and alleviate the pressure all over. Braces are especially beneficial for senior people who are suffering from injuries or chronic conditions. By using braces, an elderly person’s independent mobility can improve significantly.

With guidance from a healthcare professional, a medically approved brace can provide the following benefits:

•A quick healing process after an injury
•Reduced pain and discomfort
•Therapeutic treatment
•Less risk of further injury
•Support for weak muscles and posture

With all the benefits considered, what might stop you from getting a brace is the ‘Cost.’

No doubt that braces are expensive. To further emphasize, thousands of people in the US face such conditions that require braces but can’t afford them at retail prices. That’s where the advantage of Medicare-covered braces comes in..

Are Braces Covered Under Medicare?

Yes. Medicare is federal healthcare insurance that besides covering the treatment cost also covers the cost of necessary braces and devices. It approves braces and devices when medically necessary to treat a condition. If you’ve Medicare insurance, you can get braces at a lower cost. Depending on the location of the injury and type of condition, braces may be used to support the back, neck, arm, or leg. Combining the use of Medicare orthotic equipment with other medications and care may delay the need for surgery.

Medicare not only covers for braces but surgeries such as knee replacement surgery as well. Costs and benefits may vary depending on the plan you have.

How To Get A Free Back Brace Covered By Medicare?

No, you cannot get a free back brace because Medicare braces aren’t entirely free.

Medicare Part B covers braces if deemed medically necessary which means a patient needs one to treat a medical condition. This plan covers 80% of your brace’s cost under its durable medical equipment (DME) benefit. Durable means that the brace will hold up for at least 3 years. You will have to pay the remaining 20% as long as your deductibles are paid for the year.

Many beneficiaries who have original Medicare purchase supplemental insurance or Medigap insurance that further covers part B deductible costs. If one has a Medicare Advantage Plan, it might help cover the full cost of a brace without any out-of-pocket costs.

How to Get Braces Covered By Medicare Insurance?

To get braces covered by Medicare, you need to:

1. Get enrolled in Medicare Part B
2. Get a description from a Medicare-enrolled healthcare provider stating that your brace is “necessary.”

Does Medicare Cover Braces For All Body Parts?

Yes. If you’ve Medicare Insurance, you can get:

1. Medicare Back Braces

Back braces or lumbosacral orthosis are covered by Medicare Insurance. Medicare back braces treat a wide range of conditions, most commonly used in post-surgical cases.

2. Medicare Knee Braces

If you have Medicare Part B, you can get 4 types of knee braces depending on your condition.

•Off-loader or unloader

3. Medicare Neck Braces

If you have Medicare insurance, you can get cervical collars and other neck-supporting devices at little cost.

4. Medicare Shoulder Braces

If you’re experiencing any pain in your shoulder, you can get braces, supports, and stabilizers under Medicare coverage.

5. Medicare Wrist braces

Medicare Insurance covers wrist braces for tendonitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, and brace for a sprained wrist.

6. Medicare Ankle Braces

If you have chronic ankle pain or osteoarthritis, Medicare will help cover the costs of ankle braces, stabilizers, and straps.

Does Medicare Cover Braces For Kids?

Yes. Medicare covers braces for all people who have insurance plans. Yes. Medicare covers braces for all people who have insurance plans. If an accident or illness requires restorative orthodontic treatment, it may be covered under your insurance

How Can You Obtain A Medicare Brace?

You can obtain a Medicare brace from your healthcare provider or Medicare-approved supplier.

1. Healthcare Provider

Before getting a brace, it is highly recommended to get an in-person appointment with your healthcare provider. He/she will examine your condition and write you a prescription. During the appointment, your doctor may refer you to a medical equipment supplier to get a condition-specific brace.

2. Medical Equipment Supplier

These are Medicare-contracted suppliers that provide medical braces to beneficiaries. If you have insurance or a description from a doctor, these suppliers will work with your insurance company and provide you with the right brace if you qualify.

Get Medicare Braces From Dapcho

Daphco is a trusted Medicare-approved supplier of braces. Whether you have Medicare Insurance or a description from your doctor, we will provide you with a custom-fit brace right for your condition. If you need a brace for an injury or any other condition, contact Daphco to get an insured-covered brace at little or no cost and live your life to the fullest.

The most commonly asked question we hear at Daphco is: Does Medicare cover braces for me? We can help you find the answer. Call us today or fill out the form to find out if you qualify for Medicare braces. If you qualify, your brace will be shipped fast to your doorstep.


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