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Knee Braces for Alleviating Osteoarthritis

What is Knee Osteoarthritis?

Knee osteoarthritis (OA), also referred to as degenerative knee joint disease, typically develops due to the gradual wear and tear and the progressive loss of articular cartilage. The elderly population most commonly experiences this condition. Knee osteoarthritis has two types: primary and secondary. Primary osteoarthritis involves articular degeneration without any clear underlying cause. In contrast, secondary osteoarthritis is a result of factors such as an abnormal concentration of force on the joint (as seen in post-traumatic cases) or abnormal articular cartilage, often associated with conditions like rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Osteoarthritis is generally a progressive condition that may eventually lead to disability.

Osteoarthritis knee

If you have osteoarthritis, you’re likely acquainted with the discomfort, stiffness, and restricted mobility caused by the friction of bone-on-bone contact. Among the areas most frequently affected by these symptoms are the knees. Various treatments, including medications, exercise, and other therapies, can provide relief. Another potential solution to alleviate joint pressure could be the use of a knee brace.

Benefits of Knee Braces

The effectiveness of knee braces for individuals with osteoarthritis remains somewhat unclear, as research yields mixed results. While some individuals experience improvements in pain relief and mobility, others report no significant changes. Osteoarthritis often impacts one side of the knee more than the other. Knee braces can potentially alleviate pressure on the area most affected by wear and tear, facilitating standing and movement. Additionally, they may offer the following benefits: 

Alignment: A knee brace that maintains your knee in a straight position redistributes weight away from the inner side of the knee, providing support and alignment. 

Pain Relief: For those with osteoarthritis beneath the kneecap, a brace featuring a cutout can help stabilize the bone and reduce pain. It may also enhance the feasibility of exercise, aiding in the strengthening of knee muscles. 

Ligament Support: Certain braces immobilize the knee or allow controlled movement to aid in ligament healing after injury or surgery.


Types of Knee Braces

If your orthotist has a knee brace readily available in your size, you can acquire it immediately. However, if they don’t have one in your size, they will need to create a custom brace tailored specifically to your needs, and this process may require a few weeks. 

Various types of knee braces are available, chosen based on the severity of your knee pain and the location of your arthritis, whether it’s under the kneecap or on the outside or inside of the leg.

Unloader brace: This brace incorporates metal bands that encircle your thigh and calf, linking to a hinged bar. It forms a customizable framework designed to enable the redistribution of pressure on your knee.

Best knee brace for ACL and meniscus tear

Web brace: In contrast to a sleeve brace that provides generalized support, a web brace utilizes silicone webbing that selectively tightens in specific areas as you flex and extend your knee.

Knee brace

Sleeve brace: This prevalent type of brace is typically used for mild knee pain or stiffness. It provides additional support and applies compression to the leg, which can help alleviate swelling and provide warmth to the knee joint.

Knee Compression Sleeve


We have a variety of different types of braces available, and we have them in stock. You can visit our product page to explore our selection or simply click on this link for more information.


How much do these Knee braces cost and are they covered by Medicare?

Does Medicare Cover Knee Replacement

Knee braces come with a wide price range, spanning from $60 to $1,000. You can purchase a sleeve brace conveniently from a pharmacy, medical supply store, or online. Custom-made braces tend to be the most expensive option. If you have Medicare insurance, it’s advisable to review your policy to determine whether it includes coverage for knee braces or you can fill out this form by clicking here so that we can help you identify if your eligible for a knee brace.

How a Bone Stimulator Benefits You After Spinal Fusion

What is Spinal Fusion?

Spinal fusion surgery is conducted to halt spinal movement and reduce the risk of neurological issues. In this procedure, two or more vertebral bodies are connected by employing tools like rods, screws, plates, and/or interbody devices (implants), along with the use of bone graft material. The bone graft can consist of your own bone (autograft), donated bone (allograft), or other grafting options.

Bone Regeneration

The process of bone regeneration is a time-consuming one and typically unfolds in three distinct phases: inflammation, repair, and remodeling.

Inflammation – Blood vessels develop to transport oxygen, nutrients, and various substances to the graft site. This vital process fosters healing and readies the area for bone regeneration.

Repair – During this phase, the body initiates the creation of new bone tissue at the graft site. Specialized bone cells known as osteoblasts are generated to build a framework of connective tissue referred to as woven bone. This signifies the commencement of the body’s acceptance and integration of the graft material.

Remodeling –  This phase takes place when the woven bone gradually gets replaced by dense, solid bone known as cortical bone. While it can extend over several months or even years in some instances, this extended process is essential for ensuring long-term success.

Bone healing


Spinal instrumentation functions like an internal cast, leveraging the inflammatory process to kickstart bone healing. Over time, fresh bone integrates with and surrounds the implanted instrumentation, eventually forming a robust structure.

Certain patients face an elevated risk of their spinal fusion not progressing as expected or failing. This outcome, known as a failed fusion, is also referred to as pseudarthrosis or non-union.


Problems treated surgically with spinal fusion


1. Fracture Herniated disc
2. Spinal stenosis
3. Degenerative disc disease


1. Spondylolisthesis
2. Adult degenerative scoliosis

How Can a Bone Growth Stimulator Help Spinal Fusion?

Now that we all know what spinal fusion is. There are actually some other ways to speed up the healing process. For a bone to heal, it would take at least 3 months for it to completely heal. Maintaining a healthy diet, taking dietary supplements, exercise and etc. are the most prominent and natural way to speed it up the healing process, however, these days, we have BGS or Bone Growth Stimulator or commonly known as Bone Stimulator. Bone growth stimulation (BGS) is a treatment that your surgeon may recommend following a spinal fusion surgery. It involves the use of a bone growth stimulator device, which is worn after cervical (neck) or lumbar (low back) spine surgery. BGS can assist in the fusion of spinal bones after the surgical procedure or serve as a therapeutic approach in cases of unsuccessful fusion.

Bone growth stimulator

A Bone Growth Stimulator (BGS) transmits low-level electrical signals to the fusion site, activating the body’s inherent bone healing process. This can be particularly beneficial for patients at risk of impaired bone healing.

Over half a century ago, researchers made a pivotal discovery that low-level electrical fields could trigger the body’s natural bone-healing mechanism. Subsequent advancements, which encompass the exploration of various energy types that stimulate bone growth, the development of electromagnetic coil technology, and the enhancement of devices, all grounded in scientific and clinical research, have significantly improved the bone healing outcomes for individuals undergoing spinal fusion procedures.


Does Medicare cover Bone Growth Stimulators?

Does Medicare Cover Knee Replacement

The cost of this technology can vary significantly, typically falling within the range of $5000 to $7000, contingent upon factors such as the manufacturer and the specific area of the body to be treated. When prescribed by an orthopedic physician, BGS units are generally eligible for coverage by most insurance providers, although exceptions may exist. Depending on your insurance plan, you might either have the entire cost of the unit covered or encounter some out-of-pocket expenses. It is advisable to consult with your insurance carrier if your physician recommends a Bone Growth Stimulator to determine the extent of your coverage and potential expenses or you can fill out a form here so that we can check your eligibility with Medicare.



TLSO back brace for Scoliosis

What is Scoliosis?

Scoliosis or scolio (common term) is when the spine curves sideways, often noticed in teenagers. Scolio in kids often has no clear cause, even though it can appear with conditions like cerebral palsy or muscular dystrophy.

In this post, we will talk about what is a TLSO back brace and how it prevents further curvature and ultimately corrects the curve. With proper use and information, this could help you or even a relative/family member to straighten up their backs, like literally!

How do you know if you have scoliosis?

Back brace for scoliosis

In cases of scoliosis, an individual’s posture may appear uneven, with potential signs like a noticeable lean to one side. Some folks may show uneven shoulders, with one higher than the other, or one shoulder blade sticking out more. When bending over, a twisted spine could cause one side of the rib cage to protrude more than the other. It’s important to note that scoliosis is not always easily discernible and can vary in its visibility. Furthermore, you can always go to a spine doctor to have yourself evaluated.

What is a TLSO back brace?

TLSO back brace

A TLSO, or Thoracolumbosacral Orthosis, limits movement in the back, excluding the neck. It’s used for stable fractures or post-surgery in the middle and lower spine.

If you’re looking for any type of back brace or even any types of brace, click here.

How effective is the TLSO back brace for Scoliosis?

TLSO Back brace

The TLSO back brace provides stability for issues like sprains, strains, spinal stenosis, scoliosis, and post-surgery recovery. It effectively compresses and supports the upper and lower spine, preventing further injuries. This type of brace has many uses and if you are experiencing any spine problems, click here for further information.

There is supporting evidence indicating that scoliosis can have a hereditary component. Research has indicated that individuals with a family background of scoliosis face an elevated risk of developing the condition when compared to those without such familial ties. Thus, wearing a TLSO back brace is recommended to prevent possible curvature of the spine.

Does my insurance or Medicare cover this type of brace?

Medicare braces

At Daphco Medical Equipment, we offer several TLSO back brace and a catalog of other types of braces. It is advisable to consult with your insurance carrier if your physician recommends a back brace to determine the extent of your coverage and potential expenses or you can fill out a form here so that we can check your eligibility with Medicare.


Bone Growth Stimulator: How does it work?


Bones grow through osteogenesis, or “bone beginning,” from birth to early adulthood, elongating until we reach our maximum height.

Our bodies continuously repair and regenerate bones throughout life. Usually, damaged or fractured bones can heal themselves effectively with time, blood flow, and proper stabilization. This may include using casts, boots, pins, plates, or screws in various procedures.

Approximately 5-10% of individuals undergoing orthopedic surgery or experiencing fractures may encounter a situation where their bones do not naturally heal or experience a delayed healing process. When bones fail to heal, known as non-union, an orthopedic specialist typically addresses and resolves the condition.

Doctors often diagnose non-union through several weeks or months of x-ray exams. These tests show if new bone forms at the fracture or surgical site. If little to no new bone forms during the expected healing time, it signals non-union or delayed union. Additionally, patients may continue to experience persistent pain in the affected area long after the initial fracture or surgery.

Physicians address non-union by employing strategies such as surgery, internal or external fixation, bone grafting, or using biologic bone substitutes. Among these alternatives, the least invasive and non-surgical option involves the utilization of a durable medical equipment device known as a Bone Growth Stimulator (BGS). As bones naturally generate a mild electric field during their healing and growth phases, a Bone Growth Stimulator functions by delivering additional energy to the healing bone’s surface.

Administering enhanced energy, either through pulsed electromagnetic waves or ultrasound waves, accelerates the bone healing process.  At Daphco Medical Equipment, we have external bone growth stimulators.  Internal BGS units are expensive, implanted at the time of surgery and require a second surgery to remove the battery and wires of the unit from the body.

Below are types of External BGS’s (Bone Growth Stimulators);


A man using Bone Growth Stimulator For Arm and Wrist

Designed to treat nonunion caused by trauma, the PhysioStim bone growth stimulator for the arm effectively addresses fractures and unsuccessful fusions that do not heal naturally. It effectively addresses fractures and unsuccessful fusions that don’t heal naturally. The cordless design allows you to move around freely during the healing process.  Click here to see more.


Bone growth stimulator for spinal fusion

A supplemental device used post-spinal fusion surgery by patients at high risk of non-fusion. It also addresses a failed fusion resulting from a previous surgery. If you have undergone a spinal fusion, this bone growth stimulator will accelerate your bone healing process and save you from a potential second surgery. Click here to see more.


Bone growth Stimulator For Neck

This bone growth stimulator for neck provides a safe non-invasive treatment that helps promote healing in fractured bones and treats failed fractured post-cervical surgery in patients at high risk of non-fusion. It covers up to five vertebral levels and provides 360-degree coverage around the fusion site. Click here to see more.

External Bone Growth Stimulators (BGS) work on almost any body part where a fracture or surgery occurred. They come in two main forms: one has units connected to electrodes sending current to the skin over the non-healing bone, while the other is a brace or belt worn by the patient or used for support while sitting. For best results, the BGS unit should be used for several hours daily over three to nine months, and it’s crucial for patients to adhere to this regimen.


These units are known for their comfort, lightweight design, and safety. They do not require adjustments, unlike Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) units. Moreover, the electric current they emit is imperceptible and does not cause any discomfort to the patient.


Medicare knee replacement surgery

The cost of this technology can vary significantly, typically falling within the range of $5000 to $7000, contingent upon factors such as the manufacturer and the specific area of the body to be treated. When prescribed by an orthopedic physician, BGS units are generally eligible for coverage by most insurance providers, although exceptions may exist. Depending on your insurance plan, you might either have the entire cost of the unit covered or encounter some out-of-pocket expenses. It is advisable to consult with your insurance carrier if your physician recommends a Bone Growth Stimulator to determine the extent of your coverage and potential expenses or you can fill out a form here so that we can check your eligibility with Medicare.


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